Learn about the causes, signs, normality and pathologies of lubrication in men during arousal and get the opinion of doctors on this topic. Information you need to know to maintain the health of this important male organ.
Sexuality is an important aspect of every person's life, but not everyone is familiar with the relevant anatomy. When men are aroused, they sometimes develop a feeling of inadequacy when they discover that there is something unusual about their genitals. One of those phenomena is lubrication. But what is it, why does it appear and is there any cause for concern?
In this article we will see all the issues related to lubrication in men. Let's talk about the reasons for its appearance, signs of normal and pathological conditions, and also analyze the opinions of doctors on this matter.
The normal process of arousal in men and women is accompanied by discharge from the genitals. In men, this occurs thanks to the gonad, which is located below the bladder and covers part of the urethra. When excited, the gonad secretes a secretion that lubricates the urethra and facilitates the passage of sperm during ejaculation.
Causes of lubrication in men.

Lubrication in men when they are aroused is a natural process. It is caused by the secretion of the prostate gland. It is a small, round organ located below the bladder that secretes the fluid necessary for sperm.
Additionally, factors such as physical contact with erogenous zones, sexual fantasies, and visual or auditory stimulation may be the cause.
It is necessary to understand that the appearance of lubrication during arousal is a physiological norm and does not have negative consequences for a man's health. However, if the amount of fluid released or its consistency changes, you should contact a specialist for consultation and examination.
- Physiological norm:Lubrication is a natural response to a physical or psychological stimulus;
- Erotic stimulation:Alterations in sexual function, as well as lack of external arousal, can cause alterations in lubrication secretion;
- Diseases:Male diseases, including infections and inflammatory processes, can cause changes in the quantity or quality of secreted prostatic fluid.
Signs of lubrication in men during arousal.
The presence of lubrication in men during arousal is a natural process associated with the function of the reproductive system. It manifests itself in the form of discharge from the urethra, which can have a creamy or transparent consistency and a negligible volume.
The main signs of the presence of lubricant are:
- The appearance of wet spots on underwear during arousal or erection;
- Mild itching or burning sensation in the urethral area when urinating;
- Greater intensity of sexual desire and arousal;
- Strengthen the erection and lengthen the time of sexual relations.
The presence of lubrication in men is a normal biological process and does not pose a threat to health. However, if the volume increases or the consistency of the discharge changes, or if an unpleasant odor or pain appears, a doctor should be consulted to diagnose and treat a possible pathology.
Lubrication standard for men.
Lubrication in men during arousal is the result of the work of the prostate gland, which secretes a special fluid necessary to facilitate the passage of sperm through the urethra. The normal amount of lubrication in men can vary, depending on the age and physiological characteristics of each man's body.
Normally, the amount of lubricant in men aged 18 to 30 is about 1 ml. However, in men over 30 years of age, lubricant production begins to decrease, so the usual amount is 0. 5 ml. In any case, a small amount of lubrication during arousal is considered normal.
If the amount of lubricant in men significantly exceeds the norm, this may already indicate a malfunction of the prostate gland. In this case, symptoms such as pain when urinating, tension in the perineal area and others may occur.
In any case, if a man suspects a malfunctioning prostate, he should consult a urologist. The doctor will conduct an examination and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.
Lubrication pathology in men.

In some cases, it is possible to obtain lubrication from a man even in the absence of arousal. At the same time, various pathologies associated with the state of erectile function and intimate health of a man may arise.
If lubrication is present even for a long time before and after sexual intercourse, this may indicate the presence of diseases in the genitourinary system associated with the prostate. In this case, symptoms may appear such as changes in the color of the lubricant and its consistency, increased fluidity or even odor.
Lubrication problems can be due to inadequate or ineffective management of blood flow in the penile area, leading to various erectile dysfunction problems. These can be various diseases, such as acute or chronic prostatitis, as well as other problems of the genitourinary system.
If there are lubrication pathologies in men, especially if the symptoms are in the active stage, it is important to consult a doctor. Many pathologies that occur in the genitourinary system can be easily diagnosed and treated.
Doctors talk about lubrication in men.
Normal or pathological?

Doctors treat lubrication in men with the understanding that this phenomenon is normal and natural during sexual relations. However, if the lubricant appears without sexual arousal or has an unpleasant odor, it may be a sign of pathology.
Lubricant volume
Doctors say that the amount of lubrication in men can vary and depends on the individual characteristics of the body, age and level of sexual activity.
How to maintain the health of the male genital organs?
Doctors recommend periodically monitoring genital hygiene, showering at least twice a day, not abusing alcohol and nicotine, eating right and leading an active lifestyle.
When should you see a doctor?

If a man experiences pain, redness or swelling of the genital organs, secretion of lubricant in large quantities or with an unpleasant odor, he should consult a urologist. Consulting a doctor in time will help you avoid complications and regain your health sooner.
Question answer:
What is lubrication in men when they are aroused?
Lubrication in men during arousal is the secretion of fluid from the prostate glands and the head of the penis, which lubricates the urethra and facilitates the passage of sperm during ejaculation.
What reasons can cause lubrication in men when they are aroused?
Lubrication in men during arousal is due to hormonal processes in the body, as well as the action of nerve receptors. It can also be observed in the presence of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system.
How do you know if a man has lubrication when he is aroused?
The presence of lubrication in men during arousal can be determined by the moisture and shine of the glans. The skin in the glans area may also feel sticky.
How often should men lubricate themselves when they are aroused?
The frequency of lubrication in men during arousal varies from person to person and can vary depending on age, health, and other factors. Normally, lubrication is observed during sexual arousal and erection.
Could the frequent release of lubricant in men during arousal indicate pathology?
Frequent release of lubricant in men during arousal in most cases is not a sign of pathology. However, if this is accompanied by pain, itching, swelling or other discomfort, a doctor should be consulted.
Could the lack of lubrication in men during arousal be a pathology?
Lack of lubrication in men during arousal may be a sign of dysfunction of the prostate glands or other organs of the genitourinary system. But simple lack of lubrication is not enough to make a diagnosis; more research is needed.
Is it possible to prevent lubrication in men when they are aroused?
No, you can't stop men from lubricating themselves during arousal. This is a natural process that occurs in the body.
Can women feel discomfort from men's lubrication during arousal?
No, lubricant in men during arousal cannot cause discomfort in women, since this liquid does not come into contact with the vagina and has no smell.