Impotence is an extreme degree of erectile dysfunction. At the same time, a man may completely lack an erection - the rigidity, volume and directness of the penis, which is necessary for sexual intercourse. Premature ejaculation is also considered a sign of impotence. For a long time, the causes of impotence were seen only in tiredness, psychological discomfort or a high level of stress. However, sexual disorders can occur with a number of diseases.

types of impotence
There are several forms of impotence:
- impotence, in which a man does not experience sexual desire;
- erectile impotence. The erection is not strong enough or long enough for sexual intercourse;
- impotence, in which a man cannot insert his penis into the vagina, or premature ejaculation;
- short erectionEjaculation from erection comes quickly;
- impotence, in which ejaculation does not occur at all, or takes much longer than in a healthy man;
- anorgasmiaA man does not achieve sexual satisfaction.
It is customary to separate primary and secondary impotence. In the primary form, the erection was always insufficient for sexual intercourse. Secondary impotence means that sexual intercourse was possible before, but over time, the erection weakened.
In general, the disease can be divided according to the following characteristics:
- organic impotence. It occurs due to physiological causes. For example, diseases of the genitourinary sphere or endocrine disorders. Sexual desire can be saved, but sometimes an erection can go away right during intercourse. Organic impotence progresses imperceptibly. Only sometimes (and then more and more often) do failures occur. Over time, in order for an erection to appear, it is necessary to make more and more efforts. With this type of impotence, spontaneous and nocturnal erections appear less and less.
- psychological impotence. Its cause is psychogenic factors: depression, neurosis, neurotic states. The disease manifests itself suddenly and makes itself felt only from time to time. At the same time, spontaneous and nocturnal erections are preserved. As a general rule, the lack of "male preparation" is associated with certain circumstances or problems.
Impotence can be differentiated by the location of the lesions:
- neuroreceptor. It occurs when the receptors in the head of the male penis, the seminal vesicles, or the prostate are damaged;
- spinal. The reason for their appearance is insufficiently sensitive spinal centers;
- spinal organ. It occurs as a result of damage to the spinal centers of the lumbar or sacral spine;
- functional spinal cord. It can occur when the spinal genital centers are affected against the background of overwork.
Causes of impotence

Somatic disorders arise due to the pathological effect on the human nervous system of certain diseases and injuries. The weak links in a man's body are diseases of the heart and the gastrointestinal tract. Although, in general, the somatogenic mechanism that leads to impotence can be triggered by a disease of any organ or system. Indeed, in a man's body, many organs are closely interconnected with the sexual sphere.
Causesimpotence in menI can be:
- any injury involving neurosecretory disorders. First of all, it concerns injuries of the spine and pelvic region;
- pathology of bone and cartilaginous tissue of the spine: osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis, hernia, protrusion;
- degenerative changes in the peripheral nervous system: neuritis, plexitis, radiculitis, neuropathy;
- disorders in the hypothalamus-pituitary system;
- diseases of the liver, kidneys, intestines;
- vascular disorders.
- psychological trauma, including those suffered in childhood;
- physical fatigue and prolonged stress.
- overweight and diabetes;
- smoking, alcohol and drug abuse. In the presence of bad habits, impotence manifests itself even in young men.
Also, impotence is caused by taking certain medications and poisoning with toxic substances.
Symptoms of potency disorder
A man may not realize that failures in his sexual sphere are not accidental and that negative changes are already taking place in his body.
The main symptoms of impotence are:
- lack of erectionor its reduction. Even if a man wants to have sex, he cannot bring the penis into a state of tension. And, perhaps, the penis loses hardness just during sexual intercourse, so it is not possible to complete the act with an orgasm;
- insufficient erection. Under certain circumstances, the penis grows in size, but remains soft and cannot be inserted into the vagina;
- lost erection. The member reaches the necessary hardness and increases in size, but quickly becomes lethargic and sexual intercourse is impossible;
- sexual intercourse does not give pleasure, sensual sensations fade;
- the need for sex occurs less than twice a week;
- premature ejaculationThis feature is critical only when it appears in mature and experienced men who have sufficient experience in sexual intercourse;
- lack of spontaneous erections in the morning or at night;
- lack of sexual desire or its decrease. In anticipation of sex, there is anxiety, fear of intimacy, fear of failure.
Even if a man notices one of the listed symptoms in himself, he should see a doctor. After all, the sooner treatment is started, the faster and more successfully it will be possible to eliminate the problem. If there are many symptoms and they are growing, it is much more difficult to stop the development mechanism.
Important!Impotence can be temporary. Even in the context of too frequent and active sexual intercourse. Or vice versa, premature ejaculation occurs in men who are unable to have a regular sex life. As soon as the frequency of intercourse stabilizes, the man's readiness for sexual contact returns to normal. Short-term "failures" (with a frequency of up to several episodes per year) are normal and only indicate a man's overwork.
Sexual function declines in older men. When the end of the reproductive age arrives, the strength and duration of sexual intercourse gradually decrease. In this case, medical assistance is not required, a decrease in potency is natural for male physiology.
Common treatments for impotence
It is necessary to restore male sexual function in a complex way. First of all, the doctor will determine the causes of sexual impotence, both psychological and physiological characteristics.
The treatment regimen depends on the causes of the disease. As a rule, the doctor prescribes drugs that must be taken half an hour before the start of sexual contact. They will provide a temporary erection.
At the same time, it is necessary to restore the balance of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. This problem is solved by taking dietary supplements, vitamin complexes and herbal remedies.
The achieved effect is enhanced by physiotherapy, acupressure and vacuum massage.
The condition of patients is facilitated by classes with a psychologist. An experienced specialist will restore a sense of self-esteem, eliminate depression, inferiority complex and fear of failure.
Medical treatment

According to the method of application, drugs are divided into three groups:
- urethral drugs. They are inserted into the urethra immediately before sexual intercourse. Rectal suppositories will have a similar effect;
- penis injectionsprovoke expansion of the penis and its rapid filling with blood. In this case, the erection lasts at least an hour.
- Oral drugs for impotence. The most popular and provide a long-lasting effect. They provide a good filling with blood, compensate for vitamin deficiency.
Synthetic agents that suppress the production of a substance that causes premature termination of sexual intercourse are also effective. They provide a good blood supply to the penis and thus promote sexual arousal. Such drugs have proven to be a maintenance tool for men over 50 years of age.
Plant-based dietary supplements work well on the problem. They improve blood circulation, vitality, normalize the functioning of the central nervous system and increase libido.
Non-pharmacological treatment
An active lifestyle, reasonable physical activity can by themselves solve the problem of insufficient erection. At the same time, it is worth changing your attitude to life and psychological traumatic factors.
For those who are not ready to radically solve the problem, for example, by changing their lifestyle, place of residence or scope of professional activity, there are specially designed physiotherapy exercise complexes. They must be done daily, so you will provide the necessary physical activity and activate the blood supply in the genital area and the prostate.
Acupressure massage restores sexual function well. This procedure should be entrusted to a specialist. Acupressure is carried out not only in the area of the intimate organs, but also in the area of \u200b\u200bthe feet.
Massage with a vacuum pump can provide an erection. At the same time, oxygenated blood circulates more actively in the blood vessels of the penis.
Folk methods of treatment
First of all, you need to visit a doctor and find out the causes of impotence. After that, according to a specialist, it is possible to strengthen the recommended treatment with folk remedies.
Remember that instant results should not be expected from such therapy. Yes, and they will appear only if the complex of therapeutic measures, changes in lifestyle and the rejection of bad habits are observed.
Among the home remedies are the preparation of tea based on St. John's wort, pumpkin, ginger, ginseng, the use of nuts, garlic, coriander and parsley. For lovers of extreme sensations, we can recommend the method of contrast baths - when you need to alternately sit on a sink with hot and cold water. The duration of stay in each pelvis is 1. 5 minutes, in total you need to do 10 transplants.
Diet for violation of potency.
If you have problems with potency, you should limit the use of salt, sugar and alcohol. Portions should be small and meals should be frequent, up to 6 times a day.
The main vitamins and minerals that restore male strength: iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, selenium, calcium, vitamins C, B. E. For men's health are useful:
How common is erectile dysfunction in men?
Percentage of men with some type of mild erectile dysfunction (by age):
- up to 20 years - 5%;
- 20-30 years - from 10 to 30%;
- 30-40 years - from 30 to 40%;
- 40-50 years - from 40 to 50%;
- 50-60 years - from 50 to 60%;
- 60 years and older: from 60 to 80%.
The word "impotence" scares all men, but it is not always incurable. Let us consider in more detail the causes, methods of treatment and common myths about this problem.
Impotence: is it forever?
Even in the most difficult cases, modern medical methods help patients to regain their male power and regain a normal sex life. Age does not matter - even at 60 years of age and older, you can live a full life if you use an individually selected set of drugs and follow the doctor's prescriptions.
It is not always necessary to buy expensive drugs to increase potency: in most cases, it is necessary to eliminate the original cause of the problem. Only a doctor can choose the correct method of treatment, self-treatment can lead to negative consequences.
types of dysfunctions
- complete lack of erection;
- intermittent erection (soft penis during sexual intercourse);
- episodic.
For a normal erection, you need:

- A healthy nervous system that responds flexibly to brain impulses.
- Healthy vessels of the penis.
- Healthy muscular and connective tissue of the penis.
- The required level of nitric oxide in the soft tissues of the genital organs.
Risk factors for development
Vascular problems (hypertension and impaired blood supply to the genital organs).
Approximately 50% of hypertensive men suffer from this problem. With hypertension, the ability of the penile arteries to expand is impaired, and in addition, the ability of the corpora cavernosa to relax and fill with a sufficient volume of blood suffers. Collectively, it turns out that the penis does not receive enough blood for an erection.
As you know, diabetes mellitus affects, without exception, all human organs and systems, while also affecting the intimate sphere. Medical statistics tell us that about 30% of men with diabetes suffer from erectile dysfunction of varying severity. As mentioned above, diabetes affects the entire body, especially the production of the main male sex hormone, testosterone. Testosterone concentration drops in direct proportion to rising blood sugar levels, ultimately leading to erectile dysfunction. Also, diabetes mellitus leads to impaired blood circulation, especially in small vessels. It turns out that the penis cannot fill with blood in a sufficient volume, and the erection weakens.
low testosterone
Hypogonadism, the medical term for low testosterone, leads to a decreased sex drive and libido in general.
When the penis is injured, fibrosis can develop in the corpora cavernosa (cavernous). As a result, the cavities (cavities) that form the corpora cavernosa and fill with blood, providing an erection, are replaced by connective tissue. The connective tissue can no longer accumulate blood in itself and stretch, so the quality of the erection deteriorates.
Bad habits.
Such a substance as nicotine has a pronounced vasoconstrictor effect, so smoking tobacco before sexual intercourse can worsen an erection. With prolonged nicotine abuse, such phenomena become chronic, and the quality of the erection progressively decreases. Alcohol, through complex chemical processes, stimulates a shift in the balance between testosterone and estrogen towards the female sex hormones, leading to a gradual decline in erectile function.
stressful situations.
Mild erectile dysfunction that occurs after stress is called psychogenic or functional. As a rule, this can happen after a lot of stress at work, such as a layoff or other misfortune that is psychologically difficult to bear. Our many years of experience show that combined therapy, which includes, in addition to medication, also psychotherapy, is of great help in the treatment of this disease.
What tests should be done if erectile dysfunction is suspected?
- General blood tests;
- Blood tests for sugar;
- Blood tests for hormone levels;
- Biochemical analysis of blood for lipoproteins and cholesterol;
- general urinalysis;
- Urinalysis for bacteriological culture;
Visual examination and palpation of impotence may reveal:
- testicle size that does not meet anatomical standards;
- sparse facial hair or its complete absence (hormonal failure);
- female breast enlargement;
- detection of a weakened arterial pulse in the lower extremities (as a sign of the presence of atherosclerosis).
- Defective structure of the penis.

Impotence: when is it not worth it?
This is a common myth. Domestic impotence often means various types of erectile dysfunction, in which a man cannot experience an erection at all or cannot maintain it long enough.
The boundaries of the norm and pathology are blurred here, since the capabilities of people differ significantly. If you notice deviations from the usual norm that are not associated with stress or life changes, you should consult a doctor. It is better not to postpone a delicate problem, since it can be associated with serious pathologies in the body that require urgent treatment.
Signs and treatment at home, massage.
The first signs of impotence are the reduction of erection time, the absence of spontaneous erection at night, with time it disappears completely and in appropriate situations. Home treatment often includes massage of the prostate gland, external genitalia, and reflex point exposure.
This type of treatment eliminates blood stasis, improves blood circulation and relieves the patient's pain. Mastering the technique of massage is not difficult: the procedure can be performed independently or together with a partner; This helps restore trust in relationships and restore harmony to family life.
Impotence: signs and treatment at home.
It is not difficult to determine the signs of this disease: it is manifested by lack of erection, reduction in the duration of sexual intercourse and premature ejaculation. Over time, an erection can completely disappear, it does not appear spontaneously or in appropriate situations.
Home treatment can only be carried out in the absence of physiological and hormonal causes. Massage will help get rid of tension, eliminate blood stasis and improve your circulation. It should be done daily: both self-massage and the impact of the partner's hands are useful.
Vascular surgical treatment of erectile dysfunction
Surgical treatment (so-called "dorsal vein resection") of erectile dysfunction involves the restoration of normal blood flow to the corpora cavernosa of the penis and the restoration of blood balance in the genitals.
Treatment of impotence in men after 50 and 60
Erectile dysfunction at this age occurs due to age-related hormonal changes. Since testosterone is responsible for sexual desire and erection, a decrease in its concentration in old age leads to impotence.
A characteristic feature of this condition is the gradual fading of sexual possibilities. Libido decreases, erection becomes insufficient to complete sexual intercourse.
This applies to natural processes. In old age, due to hypertension, diabetes mellitus, chronic prostatitis, blood circulation in the prostate and penis suffers, which affects erectile function.
After 50 years, the main methods of treatment are:
- Hormone therapy. This technique is used if impotence has developed against the background of insufficient production of sex hormones by the body.
- Medical therapy. It can be used both as an independent treatment and as an additional technique.
- injection therapyUsually this method is used for vasoconstriction. By injecting drugs directly into the urethra or corpus cavernosum, they can be dilated.
For each patient, the doctor develops an individual treatment plan that allows you to quickly and effectively restore male power.

It is difficult to name the most effective and fastest remedy for increasing potency after 60 years. But, it is better to approach the solution of this intimate problem comprehensively and begin to heal your body by normalizing your diet, increasing physical activity and taking medications that eliminate nutritional deficiencies. In this case, the potency increase will be more persistent and lasting, and the intimate life will become more vivid and memorable.
Treatment with pills after 60 years
The use of tablets for the treatment of impotence in the elderly should be used with caution, consultation with a specialist is required. Such drugs cause a strong flow of blood to the genitals, which can be dangerous for people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
The treatment is selected personally: it includes the rejection of bad habits, gymnastics, massage, as well as the elimination of comorbidities that interfere with intimate life.
Impotence in old age: treatment with folk remedies.
Impotence in old age is a common problem: it is associated with the extinction of testosterone production and a decrease in libido. In addition, a series of other pathologies are usually present after the age of 50.
However, folk remedies help to prolong male youth: among them are ginseng tincture with pronounced tonic properties, shellfish, honey, nuts, rosehip broth. Daily gymnastics and increased physical activity also help maintain male strength in old age.
Advantages of impotence treatment in a specialized center:
- Treatment is carried out after diagnosing the cause and making an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, the percentage of successful treatment is very high: 98%.
- The clinic has all the necessary specialists: andrologists, urologists, sexologists, endocrinologists, surgeons, therapists and other doctors.
- The most effective treatment methods are used to increase potency.
- The goal of erectile dysfunction treatment is to increase natural potency for life and not prescribe sexual stimulants all at once.
- The ability to restore sexual desire and at any age.
- Possibility of independent control and assembly planning
- Effective treatment of other male sexual disorders: premature ejaculation, decreased libido, penis enlargement.

Impotence: pills for treatment
There are many pills for the treatment of impotence. The most common and well-known drugs are based on phosphodiesterase inhibitors.
They relax muscle tissue and increase blood flow to the penis. Another group includes dietary supplements and their many generics - they help relax the smooth muscles of blood vessels. Such drugs are taken in a course of at least 2 weeks after consulting a doctor. Patients note its high long-term efficiency.
Causes in young people
The first signs of erectile dysfunction can appear even at a young age up to 30 years; It is associated with physical and psychological causes. Young people are more likely to suffer not because of physical problems, but because of psychological experiences: shame inspired by parents, fear of rejection, low self-esteem or guilt.
Stress leads to relationship problems, which eventually turns into dysfunction. In difficult cases, the help of a psychologist is required. Hormonal causes are also common: lack of testosterone can lead to underdevelopment of the genital organs and lack of erection.
One of the effective methods to prevent the onset of erectile dysfunction is to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle:
- give up alcohol, smoking and other bad habits
- balance diet
- active lifestyle
- regular sexual life without prolonged abstinence.
It is necessary to reduce the negative impact of stress on the body, so it is recommended to study various effective methods of relaxing the body and use them regularly.
But the most important thing is to undergo regular medical examinations and contact specialists in a timely manner so that therapeutic measures take a minimum of time and guarantee maximum effectiveness.