An increase in potency is largely determined by the moral and psychological state of a man and his satisfaction with family life. Means for increasing potency in the modern world amaze with abundance and variety. It can be both medicines and physical therapy, herbal medicine, physical therapy exercises, acupuncture and much more.

Potency in men can vary depending on:
- rationality of nutrition and peculiarities of taste preferences;
- availability of sports activities and their regularity;
- bad habits;
- psychological state.
It is quite easy to disrupt sexual function in men, but it is not at all easy to restore potency. Consider effective means to increase male erection.
phosphodiesterase inhibitors
The most popular drugs to increase potency are those that contain phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors. These funds to increase male erection are distinguished by the following features:
- The erection enhancement effect is short-term.
- An erection is observed solely due to sexual arousal in a man. In the absence of this factor, the drugs will be ineffective.
- It is recommended to take these drugs no more than once a day.
- They are used to eliminate psychophysical disorders of male potency.
systemic medications
Means to increase the erection of systemic action are also used. This group of drugs to improve sexual function in men is used in courses, the duration of which is determined by a specialist. If necessary, a second course is prescribed.
hormonal drugs
Hormonal drugs that increase potency are used in case of insufficient production of male sex hormones.
The most widely used testosterone-based hormonal drugs are in the form of ointments, gels, tablets, patches (so-called transdermal therapy) or injections. Such drugs can be used as an independent treatment or as a component of a complex one.
alternative drugs
There are often alternative means of increasing potency. Such medicines are natural, often of plant origin. Alternative means have a restorative and general tonic effect on the male body. The popularity of such a tool for potency is due more to advertising than to proven effectiveness.
Treatment of psychogenic erectile dysfunction
A separate group of drugs is a means of increasing potency, the cause of which is the weakening of mental disorders. Psychophysical disorders are eliminated both by drug therapy and by special methods of psychotherapy. Some psychotropic drugs or antidepressants can decrease potency, so it is advisable to take such drugs only on the recommendation of a specialist.

Another effective group of drugs to improve male potency are aphrodisiacs. These are natural remedies, often plant-based. Aphrodisiacs are the best stimulants of sexual energy in men on a natural level. Such remedies are safe and can be used by all men with a weak erection.
The best and most powerful aphrodisiacs are found in herbal products such as:
- walnuts;
- peanut;
- Hazelnut color;
- pistachios;
- almond;
- seeds
These food products are characterized by a high content of easily digestible proteins, minerals and vitamins. Also, to increase potency, celery and ginger are recommended, which contain a lot of phosphorus and calcium, potassium, vitamins C, B, PP. These products help strengthen the immune system, improve digestion, increase stamina in sexual and erotic play.
Garlic and onion are also very popular with men. These aphrodisiacs of plant origin, despite their availability, are quite effective means of restoring hormonal balance. When onions are used in combination with an egg, the effect is significantly increased.
Shellfish rich in natural aphrodisiacs are also popular:
- oysters;
- mussels;
- caviar;
- shrimp;
- fatty fish;
- seaweed.
These foods are rich in zinc and selenium, which stimulate the production of testosterone.
Another great stimulant of male potency are eggs, rich in protein and vitamins B and A. Chocolate is an excellent helper in sexual games. Helps restore male strength and health, promotes the production of "hormones of joy" - endorphins. These products are good both as an independent remedy for potency correction and as part of a complex treatment.
other methods
Chinese folk remedies are also used to increase potency in men. For its preparation, deer antlers are used - the organs of reproductive function of various animals (yak, fur seal). These funds cause an increase in blood supply to the penis, stimulate an increase in its size and strengthening.

A large number of potency-enhancing drugs are produced in Tibet, China, Hong Kong. These are natural preparations that contain components obtained by high-tech extraction using nanotechnology.
Such means of improving erection are devoid of side effects, are effective when combined with alcoholic beverages, and can be used for hypertension, cardiomyopathy, and diabetes mellitus. Also, these funds are recommended in the treatment of prostatitis. The duration of the effect of drugs is from a day to a week. Chinese capsules and Chinese dietary supplements are quite common and popular. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine to increase potency in combination with nanotechnology can improve the quality of a man's sexual life.
Effect of exercise
There are a number of exercises specifically designed to improve potency that improve blood circulation in the male genital area, as well as train the muscles involved in sexual intercourse. The effectiveness of these exercises is confirmed with good results. To improve sexual function in men, you can perform the following exercises:
- steps in place
- running in place
- squats;
- perineal muscle training (relaxation and tension).
The most effective in the process of improving potency in men are physical exercises for training the muscles of the perineum. The essence of the exercise is to tighten the muscles of the perineum, which is done while standing, sitting and lying down, and then relax. This exercise should resemble urinary retention. A good effect of such physical activity will be noticeable with daily workouts lasting 20-30 minutes.
Some experts also recommend using special anal dilator kits for men to increase potency, which can be purchased at drugstores. Despite the unpleasant procedure for its use, the effect can exceed all expectations.